

2012 Friendly Friends

A good portion of the contributors to this blog are in this video (myself included, surprisingly). We're all Michigan people from the Holland area, more or less. Though, some of us have strayed a little far.

We're different ages, come from different backgrounds, and enjoy and experience different things in life. We're friends.

No matter where we end up.

We share heart, and honesty, and integrity, and confusion about life, and problems, and joys, and travels, and stories, and shared history. We'll always share these things with each other. No matter what.

These are my friends. These are my brothers.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous28.10.12

    Caption = TRUTH! The way you put the video together backed that statement up pretty nicely as well! Hope your good brother, definitely miss you here in the states but also very excited to hear about new stories of your travels in the future. Much love, Peace
