

A Couple Of Recent Pictures

Here's a few pictures taken at a few random spots around Holland over the last couple days. I figure that this is as good a way as any to get my posts started. I will do my best to keep adding to the site regularly. Enjoy!

Pat Ellis, full pipe carve in Holland, MI.

Andrew McDonald and the makeshift bridges we built for these ditches in Holland, MI.

Andrew McDonald with a quick 180 into the parking lot off of this wooden box.


Spinning Waffles

Until I stop being so lazy, and finally put together a little edit (which may take a long fucking time, because I can be pretty fucking lazy), I'm just going to upload little snippets of what we do. And, by "we," I mean other people, because I'm typically holding the camera... and I suck.

*In the clip: Mr. Cooper

This is it; this is the start. Of what? I'm not quite sure... yet.

I have the feeling that, as of now, this whole thing is going to be kind of a blur of concepts, in terms of content. Mostly about bmx, the photos and friendship involved, I can definitely say that there will also be stories about anything and everything in between (factual, fictual, or otherwise... whatever that means).

Well, we'll see how it goes, I guess.

*In the pic: Andy Mac