


Boerman gapping, past the snow, from the walkway to an icy parking lot. Photo by me, RV.



I'm posting this because I always forget where to find a full playable version of this album--and I'm too poor to buy a copy, and too lazy to track down a download.

On that note, what are some bands that you people out there enjoy? (Anything from shit on the radio, to your neighbor's band--as long as it's something that moves you, in some way. Comment, people.)


January Webby

A quick vid of an evening I spent hanging out with Pat & Matt at the shop, in Holland (Michigan, for you non-Michiganders [lucky bastards]), after hours.

The winter will probably consist of lots of this. Then, once winter breaks, we'll actually start filming for something full length this year (if you know what I mean).


BMX is Awesome (Jason Phelan is Awesome)

The world needs more dudes like this.

And here's some awesome riding from that awesome dude:



A vid of friends, from near and far, (mostly) filmed in the year of the Rabbit (2011).


Family, and Stuff

Not exactly pictures, but I shot some footage of my dad during one of the workshops that he puts on. It's a style of Filipino martial arts primarily utilizing arnis (or eskrima, to some), but also taking advantage of kicking, grappling & weapons, etc.