

Rainy, Cold, Generally Shit Weather (and Other Cyclocross Fun)

Last Sunday, I made my way into Holland, MI to run a few errands, and to try and shoot some pics down at one of Krisscross's cyclocross races.

It was cold, it was raining, and it was generally poop--but I guess that's really what you're looking for in a good CC race, so everything worked out.


Return of the Ellis

Our very own Mr. Ellis has been getting a few pics (one taken by me) put up on the Sunday! Bikes web site, and they posted this little vid of Pat working the U.P. and the Mitten proper.

And if you're ever in the Holland, MI area, don't forget to stop on in to Lakeshore Cycle & Fitness/LCF Skate and BMX and say hi to Pat, Sneller, and the rest of the LCF crew!



Got a five dollar slide projector from Goodwill, so now my back wall has become a wide screen for looking at pictures. Ah, the joys of a good thrift store find...



Normally I hate pictures of me, but this old shot by RV is pretty good.