Do you remember those riding spots that you went to when you were younger, and then stopped visiting for years?
Sneller and I ended up re-visiting an old wallride next to what used to be Menards in Holland, MI. Yesterday was a nice break from the cold and wind we've had here lately, so we decided to venture away from the skatepark and ride some real obstacles.
This wallride has been around since I can remember (even before I started riding bmx). It's a perfect grass bank which leads up to a grippy brick block wall.
After not being ridden for a couple years, the bank has become soft and dense. It took a little bit of rake, shovel, and broom work to get runways ridable again, but things started to look good after just an hour or so. We were even able to get a few runs at the wall before the sun went down. At the top of this post, you can see that Sneller has already been getting comfortable with his runs!
This spot is nearly perfect, with plenty of space for speed. The Menards which used to occupy the area has moved, so the whole lot is now clear. My only concern is that a Save A Lot across the parking lot may have some employees who don't like people riding bikes in their area. So far, they've only been giving us looks of curiosity rather than annoyance.
I'm excited to ride this spot more and more as the weather gets better! -Pat Ellis