Castle Rock. In the spring, summer and fall, I would likely have been standing shoulder to shoulder with other people, as this spot is the most accessable at the pictured rocks. Due to the last few miles of the road leading in not being plowed, I was able to ski in and be totally alone. 3 stops neutral density filters to keep the sky from washing out.

On my way out I stopped to take a shot of some trees turning orange from the late evening sun with my 35mm body. As I turned around to put my camera away, I noticed a fox standing about 25 feet away, just watching me. I slowly crouched down and started digging through the bag for the digital camera. The fox walked to within ten feet of me, and we just sat there looking at eachother for a moment. I didn't even take a picture. I realized that although I've seen some pretty fantastic scenes, I often spend so much time worrying about exposures and compositions that I don't take the time to just sit and enjoy my surroundings. This was a great moment. Of course, I got some shots after it lost interest and started walking around.

Walking through the ice caves in Eben is a wild experience. It's a popular spot, but I was able to get a little solitude on this trip. I think for the first time I used the wireless flash in a landscape shot. I tried a couple different flash placements, but I would really like to go back with another flash so I can fill up the dark areas.

These are amazing! Always a joy seein your photos Justin.