


I hadn't touched my camera in weeks until the other day. Now we have a couple days worth of lake effect on the ground (and still more falling) and I am ready for some outdoor adventures. I always wonder why it is that, despite winter being my least favorite season, I go on tons of adventures and probably take the most pictures when it's freezing out. Whatever the reason, I'm sure this winter will be no different.


  1. If it weren't for the obvious implications in regards to the bmx lifestyle, I'd say that I wished that it'd snow more often. (That, and I can't fucking stand the cold--down to my bones. I'm pretty sure the only thing the cold does for me is inspire me to complain more.)

  2. I think that the end of fall weather, where it's cold and rainy but not yet snowing makes me lose all interest in anything for a few weeks because I know I'm done riding for the year. Once a good snowfall comes I feel a little better. I wonder why people who have no hobbies complain about the weather...
