

Zeeland, MI

 I shot this at f5.6, 125iso, and 6 seconds.
I'll usually try a couple different settings to see what I like best. After the jump, there's another shot, cropped slightly differently, and shot at 8 seconds rather than 6. There's also one other shot from a different spot, shot at 5.6, 200iso, and 8 seconds.

I feel the first one is better, but I'm still somewhat undecided.
Sometimes I dislike cropping, and almost feel like it's not necessarily a good shot unless it can be kept natural. The thing that sort of keeps me divided, though, is the fact that there sometimes seems to be a good photo somewhere inside of a picture, as long as you can shut all of the other distractions out. It's like listening to music to drown out the world.

You can check out/follow along with more of my stuff/some of the same stuff here:


P.S. Man, is it a pain in the ass trying to set up & shoot while holding an umbrella. Someone should make on of those umbrella hats that's really large to the point of being ridiculously big, then give it to me.

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