

Super Crop (Not Starring Jackie Chan)

I've really been into square crops, lately. I'm not really sure what brought it on, but I just feel like it works so well for a lot of things that I might not be one hundred percent on board with.

For example...


Mid-winter (?) Updates

It's been around 40F during the day for most of February, so I'm convinced that this either isn't really winter, or the matrix is broken and this isn't really Michigan. I'm unemployed like I'm in Michigan, so I'm guessing it's the former.

Lately, I've been taking pictures of things that I don't typically take pictures of outside of bmx: people.
(More after the jump.)


Zeeland, MI

 I shot this at f5.6, 125iso, and 6 seconds.
I'll usually try a couple different settings to see what I like best. After the jump, there's another shot, cropped slightly differently, and shot at 8 seconds rather than 6. There's also one other shot from a different spot, shot at 5.6, 200iso, and 8 seconds.


Just a Moment, Please

Over the next little bit, I'm going to be renovating the blog a bit--playing with some things here and there, changing them, changing them back, etc.

Shit may be a little wacky, but bear with me, please.


P.S. Also going to be working on the banner, and what have you.

P.P.S. Hello, all of you European visitors. Howdy do?


SKS Funday Sunday

Went out this weekend with some friends to shoot guns. It will be the last time I get to shoot my SKS. I've only been able to shoot it a few times but the times that we had were good.