

Quit the Scene

*I recently quit a shitty job in a shitty city. I met cool people. I met assholes. Some days, I'd come home and just write about what happened at work. All of the QtS segments are about work.*

Once upon a time, we could shirk off most of the shit that we’d catch from customers in between fixing and slinging bikes. Once upon a time, for me at least, I cared a little more.

When this game all started out, it was little things. At first, I’d put stickers on all of the repairs I’d do. Little stickers. Sometimes they were the same color as the bike, so they’d be really hard to see—unless you actually paid attention.

No one ever noticed.



For Lack

 Last weekend:

This turned out well.

This did not.

I am bored.



I wonder what it's like to ride at this level of skill.

Double-tire ride - feeble - 360 out. Wild.

P.S. If you've never seen his Props Bio, go check it out. You'll be doing yourself a favor.



A little while back, I posted "A Tease; Rock, Paper, and Waiting". Well, here, I give yee Scissors.

Yeah, that's right. I said "yee".


Dropped a new one for ya.

Here's a quick edit for you guys. Filmed in August by Sneller. I'll have another one coming soon.

Pat Ellis, August quicks from Pat Ellis on Vimeo.


Some new shots.

Last week, I received my new Sunday Forecaster. Very stoked on the frame's feel and geometry. Here's a couple shots of me getting warmed up to the fresh frame...


Test roll

Ran a roll of old print film through a Canon AE-1. Gotta love the click of the shutter on these old cameras.


A Tease; Rock, Paper, and Waiting




More coming soon, I've just got more filming to do.


Ranting and Raving (Bitching and Whining)

*For those of you that don't know me (RV), I manage a bike shop. It is in Lynn, MA. It is glory and hell.

Whether this is the right kind of place for it or not--it is bike related, in a way. I thought I might share with you, the invisible public, a little of what my job is like.

If you're not in to reading, or you just don't give a shit, scroll past this and check out some of the sweet videos we, and some friends, have made. We also have pretty pictures to look at.*