Here's a few pictures taken at a few random spots around Holland over the last couple days. I figure that this is as good a way as any to get my posts started. I will do my best to keep adding to the site regularly. Enjoy!
Pat Ellis, full pipe carve in Holland, MI.
Spinning Waffles
Until I stop being so lazy, and finally put together a little edit (which may take a long fucking time, because I can be pretty fucking lazy), I'm just going to upload little snippets of what we do. And, by "we," I mean other people, because I'm typically holding the camera... and I suck.
*In the clip: Mr. Cooper
This is it; this is the start. Of what? I'm not quite sure... yet.
I have the feeling that, as of now, this whole thing is going to be kind of a blur of concepts, in terms of content. Mostly about bmx, the photos and friendship involved, I can definitely say that there will also be stories about anything and everything in between (factual, fictual, or otherwise... whatever that means).
Well, we'll see how it goes, I guess.
*In the pic: Andy Mac
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